Laguna Woods Oriental Rug Repair

How Laguna Woods Oriental Rug Repair Can Increase the Value Of Your Rug

Oriental rugs are made to be woven from side to side across the warp strings. Therefore, they must have an endpoint to keep their shape and prevent the unraveling of knots. If one of these areas of the rug becomes loose, it is best to have it repaired immediately. Laguna Woods Oriental rug repair experts have the experience and skill to fix this problem. Fortunately, you do not have to spend a lot of money to get your rug back to its original condition.


Performing the necessary repairs for your Oriental rug can increase its aesthetic value and investment value. The dyes and weaving techniques must be authentic, and the expert repairing your rug will use the same materials and colors as the original. A seamless repair will make the rug usable and retain its value for a longer time. Professional Laguna Woods Oriental rug repair will help you preserve your prized possession and prevent it from losing its value in the future.


Improper cleaning can lead to the destruction of your oriental rug. It can also lead to holes and worn-out piles, and even bad stains. A professional repair will remove mold and stains and reweave missing sections. Insect damage is also common with oriental rugs. If you suspect any damage, contact a rug repair specialist immediately to avoid further damage. It will be best to use a reputable Laguna Woods Oriental rug repair specialist to avoid expensive repair jobs.


To ensure the longevity of your Oriental rug, it is best to find a reputable Oriental rug repair service. They will use the appropriate type of wool, dye, and weave to match the original. The master weaver will thoroughly explain the repair work required and will only carry out the repair work if the customer approves. 


For thick-pile rugs, it is best to have the edges sewn on in the house. For smaller pile rugs, Zangara stitches will protect the fringe and prevent it from unraveling. When considering oriental rug repair, keep in mind that these rugs can hold a high value. If you are not sure whether your oriental rug needs repairs, be sure to consult a professional. The Laguna Woods Oriental rug repair expert can help you make the best decision.


The process of Laguna Woods Oriental rug repair is complex and requires two stages. First, a specialist will repair the foundation of the rug. If the foundation is damaged, it’s vital to repair it so that the rug can be rewoven. If the foundation is not repaired properly, your rug repair project won’t be a success. Second, the expert will sew woolen threads around the hole, carefully aligning the warp and the wefts. Finally, the area is trimmed so that the pile height matches the original one.


The pile knots on an oriental rug are usually hand-knotted. They are most commonly done with a Turkish double knot. This knot consists of a thread twisted around two warp threads at regular intervals. Then, the thread is pulled downwards and cut with a knife. When this thread comes out of place, the pile will become uneven. Oriental rugs require meticulous care to keep them looking their best.


Persian Rug Pros is the best source for Oriental rug cleaning, repair, and restoration in Orange County. Our Oriental rug repair and restoration team consists of dedicated master weavers who have an average of more than 40+ years of experience. Contact us at (949) 335-9788 and get free estimates.


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