Persian Rug Cleaning Orange

The Proper Way To Orange Persian Rug Cleaning

Whether your Persian rug is made of silk, wool, or any other fabric, it can get stained. However, unlike other types of rugs, they do not typically show color run. The method used for Orange Persian rug cleaning will depend on the material it is made of. For example, a silk rug cannot be cleaned using heat or steam, so it is best to hire a professional to do the cleaning for you. If you’re not sure what cleaning method to use, here are some tips to keep your rug clean:


The first step in Orange Persian rug cleaning is to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Exposing a Persian rug to direct sunlight will cause its colors to fade and eventually turn into a one-color fabric. To prevent this problem, rotating your rug every few months or once a season is recommended. To clean your Persian rug, it is best to have it professionally cleaned and store it in a well-ventilated area. The cleaner can provide you with instructions on how to keep your rug.


Vacuuming is another crucial step in Persian rug cleaning in Orange. Vacuuming should be done with a vacuum cleaner with the beater bar on high. This helps remove surface dirt without damaging the fibers. Avoid using a straw broom because you may damage the rug. While this is a common practice for many types of carpets, a beater bar may rip and tear the fibers.


While DIY cleaning is possible, it is crucial to be aware of how to clean your Persian rug before trying it. Professional carpet cleaners know what chemicals to use and what not to use, so you won’t cause damage to your expensive rug. You should have your rug cleaned by Persian rug cleaning Orange experts at least twice a year, or more, depending on its usage. A good rule of thumb is to take it to a rug cleaner once every six months.


Choosing a professional carpet cleaner with specialized equipment is important for the quality of your Persian rug. If you’re considering hiring someone to clean your Persian rug, make sure they’re certified by the IICRC. Having an IICRC-certified professional help you clean your rug is a great idea if you’re worried about destroying the fabric or color. A professional Orange Persian rug cleaning service will be able to restore your Persian rug’s charm and soiled fringe.


Persian Rug Pros is the best source for Oriental and Persian rug cleaning, repair, and restoration in Orange County. Our Persian rug repair and restoration team consists of dedicated master weavers who have an average of more than 40+ years of experience. Contact us at (949) 335-9788 and get free estimates.


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